The tradition of the traditional markets is irreplaceable

Heard the traditional market that takes place in my mind is the stuff that is cheap but the quality is not cheap. People generally like to shop at the market is certainly more convenient, for practical and economic reasons. The traditional market in fact is becoming a consumer destination from all walks of life, not even among the top half is rarely ever willingly boost select the items they need.

Along with the development of the progress of the times, the traditional market still persist today. My family prefers traditional market compared to a supermarket with a large variety of reasons. Of course we also did not rule out a supermarket or a convenience store because sometimes the necessary requirements do not we meet in the traditional market. As the buyer of course my family is interested in the price and quality of goods, both types of needs of people or everyday, vegetables and side dishes.

Bargaining in the traditional market has already become a tradition that is irreplaceable. Sometimes we are not able to make an offer well, you will get losses because they do not know how the actual sales price. In this case ever experience when shopping at traditional markets with the family. That moment my family happened to be convene a small thank you. Some of the ingredients and seasonings such as onion, garlic, pepper, nutmeg, pepper, turmeric and so on we should prepare more than usual.

The family that I used to buy goods or herbs that can be stored in the refrigerator so that more durable and long lasting. Besides saving time, if we buy in large quantities you will certainly get a cheaper price compared to retail prices. Among other things I was alongside his older brother, to go somewhere tomorrow. And I intend to shop at one time for Thanksgiving purposes tomorrow. Of course do not forget record all the ingredients that I'm going to buy so that nothing is forgotten when I got to the market later. After my business and the old man finished, we immediately rushed to the traditional market not far from the site.

That time is still in the morning because a new step 9, but the mood of the market is still very crowded especially vegetable seller and a side dish. The seller of dijam-jam vegetables is usually very crowded when the buyer, because the mothers are busy shopping to prepare for the lunch menu. After my lap while you see and choose, we finally chose a retailer that sells a variety of herbs and seems very complete.

Well, we came to a bargain price session. Initially we just wanted to buy some sort to the seller, but also because of the time that was found lunch so we decided to buy the seller. At first my sister haggled with the lowest price, but the sellers keukeuh still retain the goods. Finally we try to go with all of a sudden the mother who gives the seller a price as we asked. And the sales process is completed then we rushed to leave mother seasoning seller. Do not forget our destination jajajan vending market. Hawker, certainly, you do not have the bargaining process because it determined how to seed.

Arriving home, my mother asked for the sauce is immediately booked. Put the finished products, I rushed into the kitchen to help mothers prepare a Thanksgiving menu. While chatting here and there, my mother asked how much seasoning A, B, C and so on. The mother began to protest the price response I heard what I said. The mother said that the price of ingredients and spices we buy is still classed as expensive. My mother said, perhaps because the purchase is still young, so the price is increased. Lho kok can be so? It turns out that there are such rules in the traditional market hahaha. There is nothing pressing higher prices for buyers who are still young. They think that if young people purchase price without reckoning that the origin may be the stuff that is enough. In contrast to mothers or young, Mamah Mamah-certainly a lot of ulurnya dragging and it is definitely a bargain price will last longer.

With this experience, I decided to figure out how the heck normal price elements in traditional markets? So it happens biggest losses by buying overpriced goods without knowing the price anyway. current era of increasingly sophisticated and advanced, everything can be seen across the internet with various features and applications that support. One is the application of Bonerpice, like fabulous rummaged shops.
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