Explore Traveling Bali Indonesia

Rambut Siwi Temple is one of the largest Hindu temples in Bali. This temple is located in Yeh Embang Kangin Village, Mendoyo Sub-district, Jembrana District. From Denpasar, travel time to this temple is about 2 hours, while from the State is about 30 minutes. Siwi's hair is indeed a beautiful temple, situated on the edge of a cliff, with a vast Indian Ocean lying in front of it. The main temple is situated on a cliff top and is surrounded by a view of the Indian Ocean. In addition to praying, visitors can also enjoy the beautiful panorama of the vast and blue Indian Ocean. The atmosphere in this place is very calm and nice to restore our mind.

In the vicinity of Rambut Siwi temple there are seven other temples. For visitors who come to worship, it is expected to follow a predetermined order. First, the prayer was done at Pura Pesanggrahan located on the roadside of Denpasar-Gilimanuk. The two prayers continued to Pura Taman which is east of the entrance to the location of Pura Rambut Siwi. Done at Pura Taman, heading to Pura Penataran located east of Pura Rambut Siwi. The three prayers are continued to Pura Goa Tirta, Pura Melanting, Pura Gading Wani and Pura Ratu Gede DalemPed. Every prayer in Pura Ratu Gede Dalem Ped, visitors will get a tridatu bracelet (black, red, white). Finally, the prayer is ended in Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi. The main pujawali or prayer is usually held once every six months, or in the Hindu calendar at the time of Buda Umanis Prangbakat. The main function of this temple is to worship God in its manifestation as a god of agriculture.

Usually people often mistakenly thought Pesanggrahan Temple is located on the side of the main road of Denpasar to Gilimanuk is Pura Rambut Siwi. However, it is actually still in Pura Siwi. If we are facing south from this Pesanggrahan Temple, there will be Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi with beautiful blue sea background. Pesanggrahan Temple is most often visited by riders who usually will go outside Bali through the port of Gilimanuk. On the way to Gilimanuk, after entering Jembrana County, you will find a temple on the left side. Here you will see most drivers stopping their vehicles in this place to pray for safety on the way.

The name Siwi Hair according to legend has a meaning of the strands of sea-shaped seaweed, derived from the phenomenon of seaweed net that serves as a barrier of people who do not deserve to cross into Bali.
Hi guys, like my promise in the previous article, now we begin to explore the island of the Gods that we will start from western Bali but which I will discuss is not a place that is commonly visited such as beach kuta, sanur, ubud but we will adventure roaming the place rarely touched by Visitors so you guys are here ya guys let me add a collection of photos of your cool holiday and this is the reason why exciting vacation is more cool if you ride a motorcycle or private vehicle because this holiday will be an exciting and memorable vacation for you, start can stray everywhere from the road Which you know to be foreign and there is a great cruising.

Ok now we start with the divine Island which is divided into 4 parts where western Bali, east, north and south. This time we will peel the area of ​​western Bali. Tours in the area of ​​West Bali is one of the few places that are still touchable, let us discuss some places you may never hear.

Medewi Beach

It is not difficult to reach Medewi because of its strategic location. This beach is only about 100 m from the main road of Denpasar-Gilimanuk. The beach is located in Medewi Village, including within the Pekutatan District, Jembrana District, West Bali. From the capital of Denpasar to the beach area Medewi will travel more or less 72 km or about one and a half hours. Madewi Beach is a surf spot in West Bali. This beach has a wave that is perfect for extreme sports fans, surf lovers, ranging from beginner to advanced. This beach is shaped slopes on the western side with a curve to the south where there are ranks of fishing boats (jukung) are tethered to add to the beauty of panoramic beaches. In addition to the panoramic beauty of the marine nature of Medewi Beach is so fantastic, the beach is very quiet and protected from the frenetic crowds like other beaches in Bali, so this beach is a beach to release tired, reconnect silaturrahmi rope and you should try again when in the afternoon Day you can enjoy and capture the moments in which the sun will set. Unfortunately since a few years ago, this beach was affected by abrasion and not handled so it became increasingly
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