11 Lemon Benefits for health and beauty treatments

Lemon became one of the many Orange variant enjoyed, and also used in a number of beauty treatments are natural. Lemon sour taste, but very refreshing. Lemon juice is often made as a mixture in a wide variety of cuisines. But it turns out that the lemon is very good also for the health of the body. The following reviews more about lemon benefits for health and beauty.

Benefits of lemon, very good for maintaining the health of the body. Some of which are as follows:

1. Launch the digestion
Disposal of the rest of the digestive tract can be easier with the consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis. Lemon enhance Peristaltic movement in the stomach, helps bowel movements regularly so eliminating bodily wastes properly. Lemon like blood purifiers and cleaning agent, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems such as nausea when rising stomach acid, but be careful because lemon does not fit in with the milk. Add lemon juice into warm water and drink as the first thing in the morning.

2. Stabilize high blood pressure
Potassium content in lemo equals that found benefits of banana, which is very good is consumed by sufferers of heart disease. Potassium control high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea, since it provides a calming sensation for both mind and body. so lemon is widely used to reduce mental stress and depression.

3. Overcoming a sore throat
Not only the plants and herbs such as ginger root benefits that are able to relieve coughs, but lemon is great for tackling diseases of tonsillitis (teggorokan). Simply gargle with warm water that has been added with one teaspoon of lemon juice. For coughs and colds, provide warm water which has been added a little of the benefits of honey. For asthma, a half teaspoon of lemon juice, with a cup of warm water before eating.

4. Stop Internal bleeding
Content of antiseptic in the lemon was able to stop the internal bleeding in the body. Dip a small cotton swab in the lemon juice and put it into the nose, to stop the bleeding at the nose.

5. Take care of oral health
Lemon can be used in routine cleaning of the teeth, but keep the toothpaste containing lemon on the eyes. Lemon juice can be applied on the part of the tooth that hurts, it can help in getting rid of the pain. That jam, lemon also eliminates bad breath can come from a variety of ailments and conditions gums. Several other materials helpful oral health as:
benefits of strawberry
the benefits of grapefruit
benefits of guava

6. Detoxify toxins in the body
Sometimes the food we consume, not all of which contain substances that either. The dangerous toxins and substances accumulate in the body, it is not good for health. Consume the lemon juice, helps eliminate toxins and remove it along with the rest of the metabolism of the other.

Lemon juice is a blood purifier because it helps the body to remove toxins. He also has anti-cancer compounds 22 and slows the growth of cancer tumors. After radiation and chemotherapy, she can eliminate the traces of residual radiation and purifies the blood. Lemon also support the immune system and good as an anti depressant.

7. Vitamin C and weight loss
In wrote in the article published in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" in 2005, vitamin C is inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The researchers showed that the results, intake of vitamin C helps the body enough trigger a series of chemical reactions that break down body fat and is useful as an energy. The benefits of fruits rich in vitamin C, as well as in lemon is high and is the reason for the strong effects of this combination.

Benefits of lemon especially widely used in the world of beauty, such as the following:

8. Overcoming the dry skin on the heels and knees
Pieces of lemon can overcome this problem. Rub a piece of lemon on the side of dry skin, such as on the heels and knees, allow it to seep into the skin. No need to rinse with water again.

9. lemon Mask brightens skin
For oily skin, very problematic once if facial skin looks berkilap. Lemon juice mixed with honey, it can be used as a mask. Use on a regular basis, the benefits of honey and lemon, to get the results of the facial skin that looks fresher and brighter.

10. Minimize skin pores
The pores of the face which looks somewhat widened very disturbing appearance. Take care of facial skin with lemon juice. Lemon juice stored in the refrigerator, then lemon juice smeared on the face of the pervasive wait until, then clean with water. Do this every morning, and do lemon juice, do not let more than a week.

11. Reduce dandruff
Lemon juice, mix with warm olive oil. Massage your head slowly with the lemon mixture last and let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with water and use a hair conditioner to the hair. Benefits of lemon will make dandruff was reduced and the benefits of olive oil gives the natural humidity of the hair. Tentusaja with regular usage.

The Nutrition Content Of Lemon

A number of benefits of lemon on top, sourced from a number of good nutrition. According to the USDA National nutrient database, one lemon, raw, without skin (approx. 58 grams) provides:
17 calories
0.6 grams of protein
0.2 grams of fat
5.4 grams carbohydrates (including 1.6 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of sugar)
51% of the daily vitamin C needs
a small number of substances, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, Pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.
One fluid ounce of lemon juice provides 7 calories, 0.1 gram protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 2.1 grams of carbohydrates (including fiber grams and 0.1 0.1 grams of sugar) and 23% of daily vitamin C needs.
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